After raising from the dead, Jesus gave the command to his followers to make disciples and to baptize them as a means to make a public declaration of affiliation with him (Matt. 28.18-20). At Grace Church, Medina East Campus, we call this first step after making the commitment to following Jesus, Going Public, because we see this act as a tangible way to express the unity of heart, mind and mission a follower has with Jesus as his disciple. On this page, you’ll find a number of resources we’ve provided to help you get connected with the meaning and significance of baptism, as well as offer a path and contact for Going Public at our campus.


This will give you a high-level overview to help walk you through the process of Going Public at Grace.

If you’re interested in being baptized and have walked through the materials below, we’d love to have a conversation with you to get you further connected. You can reach out to us by email at mec.baptism@graceohio.org or call 330.239.2600 at any point for more information or to let us know of your desire to be baptized.


This educational video will give you some foundations for discovering the meaning of baptism in the Bible. 


This written resource will dig into some of the baptism passages in the Bible, share the distinctive aspects of baptism at Grace Church, provide a list of items you’ll need in Going Public, and answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs).


In order to fully celebrate your baptism at Grace Church, we want an opportunity to share your personal story about becoming a follower of Jesus. The way we do this is through a written “One-Minute Version” of your story which you or someone you designate will read at your actual baptism.  You can craft  your story using the document  provided below.

If you need any assistance on how to craft your story, feel free to email us at mec.baptism@graceohio.org, or call our offices at 330.239.2600.


Talking to your children about baptism is a really neat and big opportunity. We care about your children and count it a privilege to partner with you! Click on the button below on how to talk to your child about their decision to be baptized.

We hope you’ll find that Grace is somewhere that you can feel comfortable to explore faith, ask questions, grow spiritually, and connect with others. And most importantly, of course, we hope you connect with God!