May 3rd & 4th!
Love Medina is where the Churches of Medina build relationships with the people of Medina through a weekend of serving in our local communities. We offer up the purchase of basic supplies and mobilizing our people to provide “free labor” for outdoor service projects, simply to express the love of Jesus to those in our community.
Some of our churches will not have regular weekend services, but will take the entire weekend to love our Medina neighbors; not a weekend off – but a weekend out! Local churches and partners such as Love INC and the City of Medina will dedicate this weekend to Love Medina by tangibly sharing the love and hope of Jesus with our neighbors in Medina County.

I Can Help
Love Medina is such an important opportunity for us to share Jesus’ love that we will take the entire May 3rd-4th weekend. But please, don’t see this as a weekend “off,” but as an intentional weekend “out” together as a church to help neighbors in our community.
We are inviting individuals, families, and Life Groups to sign up to serve on Love Medina Teams. As we receive your registration, we’ll form small groups with Team Captains and assign each one a project for the weekend. You can register for either Saturday or Sunday, as both days will have the same schedule.

Could you use some extra help with outdoor projects around your home this spring?
The local church and Love INC, in partnership with the City of Medina, would like to help on May 3rd and 4th. We are offering up the purchase of basic supplies and “free labor” simply to express the love of Jesus to those in our community.
*The deadline to submit project requests is March 15, 2025.

Team Captains
Love Medina Team Captains are an integral part of making the Love Medina event a success and we want them to be well informed, prepared, and supported, throughout both the planning process and Love Medina weekend.
A Training Meeting on March 29th will provide detailed instructions, updates on what’s new this year, multiple ways to serve, and a time to review the “why” behind Love Medina and to pray together for our community and this year’s event. Learn more and register below.

Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer request or if you would like someone to pray with you, fill out the Connect Card below. You may also call Grace Church, Medina East Campus at 330-239-2600 and leave a message for the Pastor on Call.

Give It Away
Imagine if we all gave $5 or some change to help make a change in our community and in our world. About every other month, Grace Church, Medina East Campus pursues a new local or global initiative and practices generosity for our community and world!
From now through the end of May all “change” collected will go toward the purchase of supplies and needs for Love Medina!