At the Medina East Campus, the start of 2023 not only began a new year but also marked the start of the second phase of a 10-year vision journey — called IT’S GO TIME.
This journey began in 2020 in response to the unique opportunities God had placed before us. During the first phase, HERE WE GO. (2020-2023), we witnessed Jesus grow and strengthen our church in incredible ways as many children, students, and adults took steps of faith to obediently follow Him in deeper ways. In addition, our influence and opportunities have grown too. We remain resolved to reach the next generation and, as a church, to ignite a gospel-centered movement to Know It, Live It, and Give It Away.
In Matthew 28:19 (known as the Great Commission), Jesus instructed His followers to “Go and make disciples.” We believe God has opened rare opportunities for our Campus to collectively “GO” in four specific areas right now:
1. GO to the next generation. 2. GO to our neighbors 3. GO to new communities 4. GO to our world with the love and hope of Jesus
As a church family over the next 3.5 years, we want to follow Jesus together — to dream, pray, and work together so that we can GO together in pursuit of the Great Commission.
Psalm 115:1 “Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness!”
We are witnesses to the astounding ways God has worked through HERE WE GO. Even throughout turbulent moments within our community and world, it’s mind-blowing to see God at work within our campus. Since the beginning of 2020, God has blessed and used our dedication, servanthood, and generosity to see amazing things happen.
We work to maximize impact for God’s Kingdom through strategic partners. Grace Church cannot go it alone, and we will leverage strengths of diverse organizations and churches to pursue the movement to which God has called us. We recognize that we exist not for ourselves, but for our community and the world. At Medina East, it’s our desire to come alongside these organizations to further propel the movement of the gospel. That’s why 10% of dollars committed during the HERE WE GO. campaign helped strengthen our global and local partnerships and advance the gospel worldwide.
To see the next generation have a deep and abiding love for Jesus that leads to a growing and resilient faith (John 15:1-17). By the Spirit, “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done” (Psalm 78:4).
- Give Us a Month
- Family Disciple-Making
- POWER Kids
- Student Ministries
- United
- Creative Arts
- Discipleship 360
- Next Generation Spaces
Not sure what serving in Children’s or Student Ministries looks like? Contact us HERE.
Your home is your first mission field to “go and make disciples”. It’s where, and in the context of your relationship with God and with your family, you point children to Jesus. Simply put, family disciple-making is where parents, as the primary spiritual leaders, devote themselves to modeling and guiding their children toward loving and following Jesus. And as a church we want to partner with you! Choose any option below to get started.
1. Pick up a 40-day Family Devotional Kit at POWER Kids Check-in.
2. Sign up to receive the Parent Plug Newsletter HERE filled with resources, encouragement, calendar updates and more. We desire to partner with parents to disciple our children and students toward faith in Jesus.
For more information contact Sonija Scavuzzo.
When serving in POWER Kids (birth through 5th grade), you will have the opportunity to help children know, love and follow Jesus. We create fun environments with age-appropriate activities where kids are excited to learn about who Jesus is! We long for children to love the Lord with all their heart, soul and strength and create daily rhythms of walking with Jesus (Deut. 6:4-9).
Your next steps:
1. Attend Discovery (a four-step process designed to help you get to know what Grace Church is all about). Throughout this experience, you’ll be able to connect with others while learning what it means to be part of the team here at Grace. Along the way, you’ll discover the heartbeat of Grace Church, our beliefs and values, and what it means to Know It, Live It, Give It Away.
2. Complete an application and attend a training to be able to serve with children.
3. Give Us a Month: Not sure what serving in POWER Kids looks like? Contact us below.
For more information contact Crystal Bennis.
We’re so thankful you want to serve in Student Ministries. MEC Student Ministries serves grades 6-12.
Your Next Steps:
1. Attend Discovery (a four-step process designed to help you get to know what Grace Church is all about). Throughout this experience, you’ll be able to connect with others while learning what it means to be part of the team here at Grace. Along the way, you’ll discover the heartbeat of Grace Church, our beliefs and values, and what it means to Know It, Live It, Give It Away.
2. Complete an application and attend a training to be able to serve with students.
There are two main areas for serving.
Epic is for Middle School students and takes place during services on Saturday at 6:00pm or Sunday at 11:15am.
Ignite is for High School students and takes place on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm.
Both programs have a similar format beginning with social activities, followed by a large group teaching and ending with small groups.
We are so thankful for leaders who love and follow Jesus and who love teens.
3. Give Us a Month: Not sure what serving in Student Ministries looks like? Contact us below. We will help you connect to the age group you most relate to for a best fit!
For more information contact Halley Elson.
Disciple-Making: Our hope in United is to match equipped, missionally-minded adult disciple-makers to environments where intergenerational relationships can form. Interested in making disciples in the young adult community?
Your Next Step: Get trained through our Discipleship and Disciple-Making Equipping Division Course. Contact: Collin Paich.
Prayer and Support: Interested in praying for young adults and providing meals at our monthly large gatherings (U-Night)?
Your Next Step: Email Kerry Ilkanic who helps coordinate meals and prayer for United.
For more information contact Collin Paich.
Here at Medina East, Creative Arts Ministry plays a vital role in the life of our community. Not only do we value the time of corporate worship and singing with one another, but we value raising up Next Generation Worship Leaders! Interested in serving in Worship Arts, Visual/Tech?
Your Next Steps:
1. Attend Discovery (a four-step process designed to help you get to know what Grace Church is all about). Throughout this experience, you’ll be able to connect with others while learning what it means to be part of the team here at Grace. Along the way, you’ll discover the heartbeat of Grace Church, our beliefs and values, and what it means to Know It, Live It, Give It Away.
2. Complete the CAM Application and email it to Sarah Toncar.
For more information contact Sarah Toncar.
In 2023, we launched Discipleship 360, a new equipping intensive opportunity aimed at imparting an abiding relationship with Jesus to the next generation. D360 Disciples (students and young adults between 16-21 years of age) participated in a 16-week training where they were equipped with a “360-degree” view of Knowing, Living and Giving Away the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
For more information on Next Generation discipleship opportunities, contact Collin Paich.
We are resolved to finish on-campus spaces that are dedicated to equipping God’s people and serving the next generation. Our goal is to function within these environments with no additional debt.
Next Generation, Staff, Interns, & Residents

Sonija Scavuzzo
Director of Intergenerational Ministries

Crystal Bennis
Children’s Ministry Director

DJ Douglass
Associate Pastor of Student Ministries

Collin Paich
Associate Pastor of Next Gen Ministries
To make Jesus make sense, through any necessary sacrifice, so that the story of Jesus is clear and accessible to anyone seeking after Him. Our desire is to equip God’s people to take the good news about Jesus to neighbors, co-workers, family, and friends who are spiritually investigating, as well as to introduce new people to the Body of Christ, the Church.
Who are three people in your everyday life that you desperately want to come to know Jesus?
The Purpose:
Empower followers of Jesus to share the Gospel with others through prayer and action.
The Goal:
Pray and pursue three people, celebrate when they come to Jesus, and provide next steps in their faith.
Do you need an assist in figuring out what it might look like to pray for your three? Download the Prayer & Action Guide to help get you started!
For more information contact Grace Fluty.
Neighboring is all about mobilizing the people of Medina East Campus toward meeting the spiritual and material needs of those in our community motivated by Jesus’ love for others.
Fill out THIS FORM and you will be contacted with details on how you can help.
Alpha is designed to equip followers of Jesus to create honest, open, judgment-free conversation spaces for anyone exploring the Christian faith. In an effort toward mobilizing our church for invitational, conversational, and relational evangelistic opportunities outside the church, we intend to offer training to facilitate Alpha groups.
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over a period of eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.
We are looking for those that would want to get trained to help facilitate and host an Alpha group in your home or out in the community.
For more information contact Grace Fluty.
For more information contact Emily Paich.
With new classroom spaces currently being built, we anticipate expanding and strengthening our Equipping Division by rolling out more courses to train and equip the people within our Campus. We believe strongly in the Ephesians 4 truth that Christ desires Christians to be equipped for effective ministry. The EQUIPPING DIVISION houses courses designed to practically resource and train to that end. Since its launch in Fall 2018, over 600 students have enrolled in our courses and we look forward to celebrating as God continues to raise up servant-leaders and workers.
For more information contact Emily Paich.
Our desire is to raise up more Life Groups and leaders in new communities and increase the amount of committed Life Group Coaches. These small, casual groups offer the best way for you to get connected here at Grace no matter your age or season of life. We focus on bringing the Bible and everyday issues together all the while building meaningful relationships.
Feel free to “try out” a few groups. Be a guest a few times, and then choose the one that best fits you and your family. Learn more about our Life Groups HERE.
For more information contact Kathy Grumney.
Plant 30 churches in 30 years. This is birthed from Jesus’ vision of His Church expressed in Matthew 16:18. We believe it is God’s intention for His Church to send resources and willing servants to start new churches in neighboring communities through the leading of the Holy Spirit (as patterned in Acts 13-14). This continues to be an ongoing pursuit of the Medina East Campus.
- Intentional Prayer
- Seed Fund Resources
- Get in a Life Group
- Discipleship/Disciple-Making Course
- Prayer Team
The path forward for this exciting work will start with a season of focused prayer calling on the Spirit of God to go before us. We will pray for open doors for the Gospel and clarity of our message (Col. 4:3-4), for workers for the harvest field (Luke 10:2), and for the leading of the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:9-10) as we consider going to a new community.
As we pursue the direction and leading of the Holy Spirit through prayer and preparation, we also plan to designate resources from It’s Go Time. giving exclusively to pursue church-planting opportunities and efforts as they emerge.
We believe multiplication happens on every level. Disciples make disciples, life groups make life groups and campuses make campuses. Being involved in a Life Group is part of how we pursue God’s heart for multiplication together.
Check out a group HERE.
We believe multiplication happens on every level. Disciples make disciples, life groups make life groups and campuses make campuses.
God is at work in the world, bringing people to Him and advancing His kingdom. What is our part in this? What does Jesus mean when he tells his followers that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to him, that he is with them always, and therefore they should go and make disciples? This eight-week class looks at the spiritual strength, the difficult nuances, and the personal call for each Christian to this relational work. Each student will be guided to grasp clear next steps they will take in response to this great commission.
To learn more, contact Emily Paich.
The Medina East Prayer Team exists to engage the people of Medina East Campus with and for prayer by being intercessors for others and equipping God’s people to personally engage in a variety of Biblical ways to pray.
Next Steps:
- Interested in being a part of the Prayer Team at Medina East? Check out the form HERE.



In Matthew 28, Jesus said to “Go and make disciples of all nations” — a huge task and a big vision. Pursuing the Great Commission means we do so in our own backyard, but that we also come alongside others who share the same heart and mission. Therefore, WE ACTIVELY SEEK MINISTRY PARTNERSHIPS. We work purposefully to maximize impact for God’s Kingdom through strategic partners. Grace Church cannot go it alone, and we will leverage strengths of diverse organizations and churches to pursue the task to which God has called us.
In HERE WE GO. (the first phase), together we “tithed” 10% of all dollars received. Our desire in IT’S GO TIME. (current phase) is to increase this amount to 11% of all dollars given. We are also encouraging God’s people to consider how they can personally participate with our local and global partners through praying, giving, and/or going.
For more information contact Grace Fluty.
Oasis of Hope affirms the sanctity of human life through support and services to meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of pregnant, parenting, post-abortive and other individuals and families searching for hope.
Cups Cafe is a connecting place where guests can expect to find comfort, coffee, conversation, and so much more. Cups Cafe is a faith-based nonprofit where anyone in our community can eat and drink for free.
Safe Families for Children is a movement fueled by compassion to keep children safe and families intact. Through Host Families, Family Friends, and Family Coaches, we temporarily host children and provide a network of support to families in crisis while they get back on their feet.
Love INC Medina is a nonprofit organization that has been committed to serving the people in Medina County who are facing financial hardships since 2010.
Adoption and Fostering: Medina East is committed to raising up and supporting those in our church and community with providing Gospel-Centered families and homes through adoption and fostering.
Fostering Family Ministries: A partnership of churches living out true faith by caring for vulnerable children and families in our own neighborhood; providing training and ongoing support for families in foster care by leading care teams of supportive friends.
Decision Point: Exists to proclaim the gospel to the next generation by equipping students to share the gospel to their peers or equipping pastors with the strategies necessary to bridge the gap between the local church and their local schools.
Crisis Response: When unexpected disaster hits our nation and world, our network of campuses want to mobilize our people to respond with the hope of Jesus while providing restoration.
For more information contact Grace Fluty.
Mexico: Shoulder to Shoulder exists to serve and empower the local church through partnerships and to see thriving churches impact and reach their community for Jesus. Learn more about the ministry
Uganda: Sanyuka Children Ministries seeks to exercise the love of Jesus Christ and change lives in Uganda by giving the neediest children a family, a home, and an education in an environment that is self-sustaining. Learn more about the ministry
France: Less than 2% of the people in France are followers of Jesus. We are committed to seeing the story and message of Jesus reach the people of France with a specific focus on youth outreach. Learn more about reaching France.
Japan: Less than 1% of the people in Japan are followers of Jesus. We are committed to seeing the story and message of Jesus reach the people of Japan with a specific focus on church planting and business as mission. Learn more about reaching Japan.
Encompass World Partners engages in a mission to glorify God and make Him known among the nations by investing in and equipping individuals since 1900. Learn more about the ministry
For more information contact Grace Fluty.
Ben and Tonya Falkenberg serving in Mazatlán, Mexico with Shoulder to Shoulder. Learn more about their story here.
Matt and Jen Daniels serving in Osaka, Japan with Encompass World Partners. They are building teams to plant churches and create innovative outreach spaces. Learn more about their story here.
Elise Kliwatter serving in France with Encompass World Partners. Elise is helping churches discover creative ways to reach the least reached! Learn more about her story.
Luke Peters serving in Medina, Ohio with Decision Point. Luke is dedicated to reaching the next generation through equipping Churches and Christian students. Learn more about his story.
Dave and Sue Guiles serving in Atlanta, Georgia with Encompass World Partners. They are dedicated to bringing the hope of Jesus to the least-reached all over the world. Learn more about their story.
For more information contact Grace Fluty.
PRAY: Join us in praying for the message and story of Jesus to be shared in our community and world. Pray for disciples to be made, ministries and organizations to love and serve others, and for those that are sent to be encouraged and fruitful!
GIVE: Generosity is a major way to tangibly give away the story and message of Jesus to others. Imagine what we can do if we leverage our resources together for others to make an impact in our community and world!
GO: Along with praying and giving we are actively going to those in need of the message and story of Jesus. Whether we are going across our street, our country or our world, we are called to go!
Check out our upcoming GO Teams, events and initiatives below.







Ben & Tonya Falkenberg

Matt & Jen Daniels

Elise Kliwatter

Luke Peters

Dave & Sue Guiles
At the Medina East Campus, the start of 2023 not only began a new year but also marked the start of the second phase of a 10-year vision journey — called IT’S GO TIME. As a church family over the next 3.5 years, we want to follow Jesus together — to dream, pray, and work together so that we can GO together in pursuit of the Great Commission. We invite you in this same way to prayerfully consider joining us on this journey.

Create or log in to your GraceLINK account.

Fill out an offering envelope during service (specify IT’S GO TIME.) and drop it in the white boxes when you exit the Auditorium.
For checks, please be sure to specify IT’S GO TIME. on the memo line.

If you are interested in exploring alternative giving options (such as stock donations, QCD, donor advised, etc.), our finance department can help make the arrangements.
Contact Monika Kirbawy at mkirbawy@graceohio.org.

Making a financial commitment to the vision of Grace Church is a spiritual decision. Pray about what God is calling you to give. Pray with your family. Pray with your friends or small group. Stay open to God leading you to make a sacrificial commitment to go above and beyond.

Your Total Commitment Amount should be calculated for your giving frequency, beginning March 2023 – August 2026. Regardless of giving frequency (weekly, monthly, annually, etc.) be sure to take into account the entire 3.5 year (42 months) period.
Note: This should include only the amount dedicated to IT’S GO TIME. and should not include your regular tithe/offering. We would ask that you consider this to be above and beyond normal giving.
Use the tool below to calculate your total commitment. Just fill in the intended gift amount and frequency to see your total commitment over 3.5 years.

On March 18th and 19th, 2023 we had a special commitment weekend. We brought our completed cards to service where we had the opportunity to submit both our giving and involvement commitment cards during a unique celebration of IT’S GO TIME. If you were unable to make it to service on commitment weekend, you still have the opportunity to give below.

Developing a plan for giving is just as important as making your commitment. The official start of IT’S GO TIME. giving was March 2023, but there is still time to get involved.
We will be following the pattern of church planting described in Acts 13 and 14. The pattern we see in this passage includes praying for the Spirit to guide us as we focus on a location to take the Gospel. We will organize a team to go to that location to win disciples. As the Spirit begins to move in the hearts of people and disciples of Jesus are raised up, leaders will be appointed to begin to gather in community. We will follow this pattern with open hands, applying our skills and abilities all the while relying on the Spirit to lead each step. (Psalm 20:7 – Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.)
Our goal is to raise between 2.5-3 million dollars, over the course of 3.5 years. This money will be used to fund our GO initiatives, new interns and residents, finish our new spaces, and 11% will be given away to our ministry partners both locally and globally.
For more specific details about the finances of the campaign please email Kevin Poest.
Each of our areas can be scaled according to the generosity of the church. If we raise more, we will be able to allocate more to each area. Likewise, the projects can be scaled down to be good stewards of our resources.
Just as a portion of every campaign will go to launch and fund new campuses, a portion also helps to fund our intern and resident program. Investing in future leaders will always be a priority in our vision to plant 30 campuses in 30 years.
In the same way we would encourage every follower of Jesus to increase in generosity over time, we want to do the same as a church body. In the first leg (called HERE WE GO.), we committed 10% of every dollar to outreach. In the second leg (called IT’S GO TIME.) we are committing 11% of every dollar to outreach.
Unfortunately, no. All recurring HERE WE GO. pledges were created with an end date in the system and Grace church does not have the ability to ever change your gift. To give to IT’S GO TIME., you will need to go into our system and set up a new recurring gift.